9 Effective Ways Small Businesses Utilize Pinterest to Boost Sales

9 Effective Ways Small Businesses Utilize Pinterest to Boost Sales

Users rely on Pinterest as a source of inspiration when planning their weddings or remodeling their home, so using compelling descriptions to draw people in will increase click-through rates for your Pins.

Pin descriptions should include keywords naturally without overusing them, to ensure users feel led down the right path without becoming misled.

1. Promote Your Pins

Promoted Pins on Pinterest provide targeted advertisements to reach a specific audience with your message. Similar to search ads on Google, Promoted Pins provide an effective marketing solution for online stores.

Make your pins easily searchable by optimizing their titles and descriptions to include keyword optimization - think of this like SEO for websites! Doing this makes it easier for Pinterest users to locate your content.

Make sure that your products can be easily purchased by joining Pinterest's Verified Merchant Program, which adds a blue check mark to your profile and shows your products within shopping experiences. Also consider including a buy button on all product pins.

2. Create a Pin It Button

Implementing a Pin It button on your website enables visitors to directly share content on Pinterest from within your site, expanding social reach and brand recognition.

Businesses producing visual content such as fashion, food photography and design will find this especially helpful. You can add the Pin It button to blog articles, infographics or product images for easier pinning and sharing.

Visitors can create pins that include both their original image and an SEO-optimized description, then select one or more boards to pin it onto. Plus, they can schedule it up to two weeks ahead!

3. Create a Pinnable Image

One key strategy for getting pins repinned is creating eye-catching text or visuals that draw the audience's interest, such as including your website address somewhere within the image so your followers will recognize you no matter where it ends up being shared.

As another method to make your pins more eye-catching, use a 2:3 ratio so they're pleasing on the eyes and don't get cut off in social media feeds. Also be sure to caption all Pinterest images with keywords relevant for SEO purposes.

4. Create a Pinnable Video

Pinterest's algorithm rewards pins that prompt people to stop scrolling and engage with your content, such as creating videos. By engaging viewers longer than static images can do, videos may capture more viewer attention than they otherwise might.

Bear in mind that Pinterest is a search engine, so make sure your pin descriptions contain keywords related to your business and products in order to improve SEO and accessibility.

Develop and apply for Verified Merchant status to give users access to your latest inventory, thereby expanding your exposure and sales on the platform.

5. Create a Pinnable Infographic

Infographics are an effective way of sharing large volumes of information visually, and often perform well on Pinterest if they provide informative or entertaining material.

Make sure your infographics are optimized for Pinterest by including relevant keywords in both their description and file name, and by including a call-to-action in their Pin description to entice users to click through and visit your website.

Pin your infographics to boards that are relevant to their subject matter. For example, if your infographic deals with DIY projects for home improvement, pin it on boards like "Kitchen Inspiration" or "Home Decor". This will increase visibility of your content while driving visitors back to your website.

6. Create a Pinnable Quote

Pinnable Quotes can be an excellent way to grab the attention of your target audience and drive traffic back to your website, while simultaneously showcasing your expertise and creating brand recognition.

Pinterest offers businesses many conversion-driving opportunities on its unique social media platform, including the option of opening a business account that provides access to analytics and promoted pins.

Make sure your idea pins are attractive, including SEO keywords in their captions to attract potential clients. Also remember that monthly views don't matter nearly as much as clicks!

7. Create a Pinnable Quote Board

Pinterest users seek inspiration and positivity in their daily lives, so including quotes into your content strategy can help bring that aspect of positivity. For example, fashion or beauty businesses could utilize "change quotes" or "happiness quotes" as tools to engage their target audiences on Pinners and drive more sales.

Remember to include keywords in both Pin descriptions and board names for SEO purposes, in order to increase their chances of appearing in search results and attract a wider, more relevant audience to your content. Sprout's Pinterest integration also provides analytics on your Pins which will allow you to determine when best to schedule them for optimal performance.

8. Create a Pinnable Quote Board

Reusing appealing brand images as quotes on Pinterest encourages engagement with your audience and can result in saves. Plus, linking and posting them on Instagram like Birchbox does will bring in even more views for that image and more traffic to your website or profile.

Take note: Pinterest is a search engine and keywords play an essential role. Make sure your bio, Pin descriptions and board titles include relevant terms that users would likely search for on Pinterest.

Launch a "Tried It" photo template that encourages customers to share photos of products or services they have experienced from your business, in order to build trust and social proof. It will help strengthen both relationships between customer and seller as well as social proof for your brand.

9. Create a Pinnable Quote Board

Pinterest is a visual platform, but you can incorporate text to increase engagement. For instance, an infographic with tips on writing email sequences or motivational quotes that incite action could make an excellent Pin.

Develop boards that showcase your brand's style and values to foster trust with your target audience. For instance, skincare line Drunk Elephant uses customer reviews as Pins on their All #drunkinlove board to foster brand affinity while expanding shopper community membership.

Adobe Spark's free graphic design tools enable you to craft visually-appealing Pinterest Pins that attract more repins and clicks, while tracking performance data enables you to make data-driven decisions to optimize the impact of your Pinterest marketing strategy.

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